Thursday, June 10, 2010
Water Lillies
These pictures were taken on May 27th & 29th, 2010 in our back yard. All of the flowers in our back yard including the ones in the pond are about three weeks early this year because of our very warm and early spring.
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Fred's photos
5:11 AM
Ruby Throated Hummingbird, male
These pictures were taken on June 7th, 2010 in our back yard. Getting good, interesting shots of these guys is very difficult. For instance on these shots I was trying to get the flower and the bird in focus. I was using a Canon 40D with a 100-400mm lens. Camera settings were f8, 1/8000 of a second, ISO=800, focal length of 400mm using a flash with a better beamer attached and it was sunny. What I didn't achieve was getting the flourescent red on his neck and I didn't manage to stop movement of his wings, but I'll keep trying until I get it right.
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Fred's photos
4:46 AM
Canada Goose
This picture was taken on May 22nd, 2010 in our back yard. That's Dad bringing up the rear. Mom is up front just out of the picture leading the way. Mom always leads the way and Dad always stays behind to guard against predators coming from the rear. What about predators coming from in front Dad?
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Fred's photos
4:36 AM