Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Roseate Spoonbill

These pictures were taken on 23rd March, 2008 at High Island, Texas. They are in full breeding plummage and it's really interesting to watch their mating rituals. They bob their heads up and down in unison sometimes have what appears to be a duel with their huge beaks.

Snowy Egret

These pictures were taken on 23rd March, 2008 at High Island, Texas. These birds are in full breeding plummage and they are so beautiful compared to the rest of the year.

Great Egret

This picture was taken at High Island, Texas on 24th March, 2008. It breeding season and Great Egret's make their nest out of sticks.

Black Crested Titmouse

This picture was taken on 12th January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Long billed Thrasher

This picture was taken on 29th January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Eastern Phoebe

These pictures were taken on 4th January, 2008 at Mike Rhodes riverfront property just south of Mission, Texas.

Northern Mockingbird

This picture was taken on 12th January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Altamira Oriole

These pictures were taken on 29th December, 2007 and 12 January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Great Kiskadee

These pictures were taken on 29th December, 2007 and 11 January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Green Jay

This picture was taken at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas on 9th January, 2008.

Northern Cardinal

These photos were taken in January, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas. Cardinals are North America's favourite back yard bird and they're one of my favourites too. The females as well are a lot prettier than some people give them credit for.


This picture was taken on 29th December, 2007 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Buff-Bellied Hummingbird

These pictures were taken on 5th March, 2008 at the Valley Nature center, Weslaco, Texas. They might be called "buff-bellied", which they are, but that doesn't really describe what they look like. They're an extremely beautiful bird.

Cactus Wren

These pictures were taken on 7th March, 2008 at Falcon State Park, Texas. It is the largest North American Wren and can survive in locations that don't have standing water.

Black Crested Titmouse

These pictures were taken on 7th March 2008, at Falcon State Park, Texas.

Mexican Ground Squirrel

These pictures were taken on 7th March, 2008 at Falcon State Park, Texas. This was the first time I've seen one of these guys. To me they have similarities with chipmunks and gophers.

White Crowned Sparrow

This picture was taken on 7th March, 2008 at Falcon State Park, Texas.

Black throated Sparrow

These pictures were taken on 7th March 2008, at Falcon State Park, Texas.


These pictures were taken on 7th March, 2008 at Falcon State Park, Texas. The male is more colourful than the female. They are often mistaken for a Female Cardinal.

Great Kiskadee

These pictures were taken on 27th February, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Texas.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Eastern Screech Owl, Gray Morph

These pictures were taken on 9th February, 2008 at Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Mission Texas. Believe it or not, these are coloured pictures, even though they appear to be black and white. Talk about a master of camouflage, these guys are hard to spot.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Black Crested Titmouse

This picture was taken on 19th February, 2008 at the Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Mission, Texas.

Buff-bellied Hummingbird

These pictures were taken on 1st March, 2008 at the Valley Nature Center, Weslaco, Texas.